I have been easily grouchified (YES, THAT'S A WORD, DON'T ARGUE WITH ME!) lately. I think it
's because I'm so tired. What happened to the "energy boost" and "on top of the world" feeling that is supposed to come along with the second trimester?? I watched "A Diary of a Mad Black Woman" on Wednesday and I SOOOOOOOOOOO wish I could comment on it. My comments would certainly give away the ending so I'll keep my mouth (er... hands) shut. She's lucky. That's all I have to say. (I was ready to write a letter).
I have some great news to report! The hubby passed his test yesterday. Let's just say two straight months of studying has put him a little on edge. Speaking of grouches, I can never "remember" that I'm not allowed to talk to him when he's studying, so I have been on the receiving end of a lot of snapping the past few weeks. C'mon... I can't remember to eat breakfast in the morning - you think I'm going to remember that I can't interrupt you when I realize I haven't told you yet that Manny pooped TWICE today??? A good example of his "edginess" would be the other night when he totally yelled at me because I am a slob. HUH? I was actually LAUGHING AT HIM as he yelled at me. It was just hysterical to think that HE was giving ME a hard time about cleaning. To fully get the irony behind this, you would have to realize that the husband spent many many years bitching about how psycho I was about cleaning (OCD) until I finally broke down and recruited the help of Dr. Zoloft. Now that Dr. Zoloft has come to live with me, things are different (although I still think I'm far from messy... I'm just not like
before). Now it's "mess? what mess?". Life is good.
So I would like to fill you all in on the latest paranoia. I've somewhat put the "they're going to leave a pair of scissors inside me" thought to rest to make room for the "i definitely have gestational diabetes" obsession. One would think that if I was paranoid about having gestation diabetes, I might cut down on the GIANT amounts of sugar I consume. I have all the symptoms... fatigue, excessive thirst (I feel like a CAMEL these days!), excessive hunger (so what if I already had dinner... twice), increased urination (I pee every 10 minutes... although haven't I always?). Only a few more weeks until I drink the thick syrup (which I hear is a delight) that will tell me one way or the other. Joy.
So I am just going to post this now so that I can look back when it happens and say with absolutely certainty "i told you so!". My husband WILL get into an accident on our street. You see - although it's hard to explain unless you know the street - there is a gradual "C" shaped curve in the road. The "C" is so gradual that if you don't follow the road and instead bolt straight ahead, you come around the corner in the oncoming lane and then continue out the other side in your own lane. There are tons of trees lining the road on both sides of the street - so when you come around that corner from either side, you can't see the oncoming traffic. Well every single time he drives down the street, he refuses to follow the curve of the road and instead just drives straight. This puts him COMPLETELY in the lane of oncoming traffic. (Which, granted, there is very little "traffic" on our dead-end street but STILL...) I can *maybe* see at night when he can see lights to tell him if a car is coming, but no, he does it every time. It is only a matter of time before there is a car coming. And when there is, I am going to have to go to the neighbor that he smashes into and apologize for how stupid my husband is. He KNOWS this drives me nuts... so why can't he atleast PRETEND that he's not too lazy to turn his wheel in an attempt to NOT cause a head-on accident that is entirely his fault and could've been prevented. This, every time, sparks a ginormous (YES... ALSO A WORD... HAVE YOU SEEN ELF?) fight. Grrr. Does anyone want to volunteer to be that person who teaches him a lesson? Better now than later... when my baby is in that car!!!!!!