Looking for a pet??
So just in case you are lucky enough to be able to have a pet, check out the Save our strays website. All of these pets are located in Maine and are looking for good homes.
4.4.05 Basketball widow becomes Red Sox widow...
So just in case you are lucky enough to be able to have a pet, check out the Save our strays website. All of these pets are located in Maine and are looking for good homes.
So yesterday my other husband, Wally, showed up with his hard drive of 6,000 songs (and that is not Jaime exaggeration) from his Ipods (yes, plural, he has 4) and let me go nuts. I got to add a whole boatload (he he) of new music to my Itunes library. I'll be doing some major CD-burning over the next couple of days... starting with a "high school flashbacks" CD that I've been wanting to make for Sonya for ages!! WOOO HOOO... thanks, Wally!!
I love it when there is a song I really want to hear and then I find out I have the CD. Along the theme of these days, I've been craving the song "A lot of things different..." by Kenny Chesney. Last night at dinner I asked Renee which CD it was on and come to find out... I have it! Yay! So... I've been listening to the same song all day today... on repeat over and over. It's really depressing, yeah, but I love it. Sigh...
So I haven't posted all week... mostly because I've had a yucky week. Let me say a belated thank you to all of the people to donated to Big Brothers/ Big Sisters by sponsoring me for my bowlathon a few weeks ago!:
So what's so wrong with the movie "Starsky & Hutch" anyway? The reviews for this movie were really poor and it seems like everyone I talked to told me that it was bad. I thought it was funny. Not the best movie I've ever seen... but it's no Fargo, either.
I am about to watch the sequel to my favorite movie of all time: Ocean's 11. Everyone is preparing me that I will be disappointed by Ocean's 12, which is why I didn't go see it in the theater. We'll see...
Boys should not be allowed to listen to Ani Difranco. It should be part of some DON'T-LET-MALES-LISTEN-TO-FOLK-MUSIC law. It's just not right. Boys are supposed to listen to Pearl Jam and rap music and sports-talk radio. Yeah, that's right.
Shawn has been consumed with men's league basketball and the Red Sox so he hasn't been around much over the past few weeks. I'm looking forward to my weekend... lounging around with him tonight, going to dinner with Kevin and Miranda tomorrow and going to see the Sox on Sunday with Amy. I'm hoping that my latest Neflix pick (Spanglish) will be in the mailbox today when I get home, although I have a feeling this will be a movie that I enjoy more than Shawn.
So for those of you who noticed that my post on infertility is gone... that was my mother's doing. She apparently has never been to any of the vast numbers of other blogs out there (sothefishsaid, alittlepregnant & many more) where there is some major griping about infertility. So, at her strict insistence, I am no longer "allowed" to post about my struggles with infertility.
Napolean Dynamite?? The first time I saw this movie I thought it was lame. Am I freakin' obsessed with it now? HECK YES I AM! I think that everyone should have to see this movie atleast 3 times so that when Michelle and I say things like "Go find your own tots" and "I'm pretty much the best that I know of", everyone knows what the fuss is all about. Another great flick that I saw recently: Love, Actually. At the end of the movie I actually realized that I had been smiling (all by myself) for about 1/2 hour.
So these are my very favorite things in life...
Hi everyone!!