Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 10, 2006

Hi! Welcome to Busch Gardens. My name is Rylee and I'll be your Safari Tour Guide today. :)

Rylee, you're 12 weeks old already!! You are bursting with personality and your father and I are loving every minute of it. You still have your father's big popeye smile and your favorite things are bathtime, the singing cow and ESPECIALLY "the wheels on the bus". You get so excited when I am about to start the "wipers on the bus" portion where I move your arms from side to side. You aren't quite laughing yet but are so close. You talk all the time and are really passionate about the stories you tell. Right now you are telling the fishies on the crib a very sad story. You still don't like to be put down and you can only fall asleep if you are being held. You are willing to sleep in the swing next to my bed - but only if you're feeling good. You've had a bad cold for a few weeks now and quite often your sad, stuffy sounds mean you end up in bed with mama cuddling you and watching you intently to make sure you're still breathing through that little stuffed up nose. You still get up 2 - 3 times a night but now that you're smiling mama can no longer be upset about it. You greet me with a giant, toothless smile every time I pick you up. You are weighing in at around 12 pounds and will have doubled your birth weight by the 3 month mark. You are wearing size 3-6 month clothes and the Carter's outfit you are wearing right now is a size 6 months and probably won't fit next week. Daddy always thinks that I'm torturing you in the bathroom at night but what is really happening is a tantrum at it's finest. As soon as you realize that you're not getting back into the bath tub (I can see now why you do this - I've taken you out and put you back in several times after you've pooped in the tub), you totally scream bloody murder. Your lip sticks out, your arms flail and you scream at the top of your lungs. You'd be content to splash away all night as long as mama keeps adding hot water to the tub. You pretty much love everyone but seem to be partial to men. You're still eating very well although you have bottles so rarely that you get confused as to how to eat from them. You really don't take a pacifer at all these days because you can't figure out how to keep it in your mouth without someone holding it in. You still have a bad case of reflux and we've just started giving you Zantac to control it. Your belly is feeling much better, though, and mama is learning to live without her cheese, ice-cream and Cadbury mini eggs. You discovered your hands a few weeks ago and haven't taken your eyes off them since. You find them scrumptious and want them in your mouth at all times. Even though you're never put down, you've worn quite a bald spot on the back of your little red-haired head. You love it when that soft, fluffy dog comes into your view but aren't quite sure what the kisses are all about. You LOVE to be nakee and I can't wait for summer so that I can let you lay around in just your diaper. You are such a sweet, happy thing and I do simply love you more than I love life itself.


At 4:17 PM, Blogger Bek said...

awwwwwwww. what a letter to your little one, mommmy. keep these little letters you write to her so she can read them one day. i'm sure she'll treasure them. she is so adorable! her little face holds so much personality!!!!!! i love the pics. keep'm comin.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

Blood, sweat & tears Jaime! You give up pieces of your life so that she is loved and cared for. Parenting: the best of times/the worst of's all still various expressions of love. You're a wonderful mom...always remember that!!

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's really beautiful Jaime!! LOVE the safari outfit!

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, make sure you keep this. I just found the journal I wrote to Isabelle in for the first year...there are only like 15 entries...but I'm SO glad I did it....I reread it and BAWLED!!! Love the pics :)

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Donna said...

How sweet! Isn't amazing how much you can love something(one). Yes I love my husband, but my I just don't understand how I can love so much!!

At 2:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! She's looking very happy these days. You must be doing everything right!


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