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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Blissful baby...

Dear Rylee, (a.k.a. Rylee Rylerton, Rylee Ry, Ry Ry, Bubby, Peanut, Pumpkin, Ham) You are so much fun these days!! Yesterday you turned 7 months old and you act and look like you're 12 months old. You have had such a big month and we are loving every minute of it! You are keeping us SOOOO busy - in fact mom has neglected just about everything else in life. You're still doing great in daycare and eating like a champ. You love papaya, green beans, peas, prunes and turkey vegetable dinner. You still aren't crazy about cereal. You think that I'm trying to poison you every time I give you a fruit or veggie puff and let it sit on the back of your tongue until it gags you and you throw up. You try to eat everything that we're eating and have started throwing a tantrum if we don't give you some. You have even tried and like lemons and pickles. I refuse to give you any ice cream because of your allergy and I know that once you get a taste you will throw a fit if you can't have more. And I just can't say no to you. Not yet. So instead I won't give you a bite. It's better that you don't know what you're missing. I have switched you from Enfamil Nutramigen to Prosobee and we are so happy that you're doing okay with it since how it saves us a small fortune.
Everywhere we go you cause so much attention. You love people and smile at everyone. Everyone comments about what a good natured and happy baby you are (and of course how darn cute you are!). You are such a sweet girl. This month you have learned so much. You know how to turn off and on the Fisher Price aquarium toy on your crib and you do this ALL THE TIME. I will hear it turn on in the middle of the night and look over at my monitor (which i LOVE and every new mom should have, btw) and see you turning it off and on. This it the first month that you sit up extremely well. You also hold the bottle on your own, clap, say "mama" and "dada" and you're pretty much crawling. When the little duckie in your porta-crib stops you know to pull the cord to start him up again. You are so smart and silly.
Big developments have happened in the sleep department this month! You have been sleeping in your own crib in your own room. Your bedtime has changed from 11 pm to 9 pm and instead of getting up every hour you get up 1-2 times. At the beginning of the month you got up at 12:30 and 2:30 like clockwork and the last week you get up once between those hours. It is so amazing to see you wake up in your own crib and play on your own. You greet us with the biggest smile in the morning. Last Saturday we took you to see your first drive-in movie. We saw "Cars" and you cuddled in the backseat watching the movie with Kayla until you fell asleep. At the end of the movie we put you in your carseat - moving you to your crib when we got home and then you slept through the night for the first time. You slept from 9 pm to 8 am and were so happy and playing when I woke up and looked at the monitor.
This week your daycare was closed for vacation again so you have been juggled around by some very helpful loved ones. Your Auntie Darcy took you on Monday, your meme on Tuesday and your grammie on Wednesday/ Thursday. Tomorrow Auntie Tonya is coming to spend the day with you.
You are getting so big so fast baby girl! Your father and I love you to pieces and couldn't be happier now that you're with us. I love you so much, Rylee Carmella!!


At 7:33 AM, Blogger Drea said...

That is a beautiful photo of you two! I love outdoor photos.
She is getting so big!

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

Great post Jaime! She is getting so big!

Wow 7 months I still cant believe it!

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Tonya said...

Well, so far, we have had a wonderful day. Miss Rylee and I delivered donuts to mommy at work, we did some banking and then went to "Club-E" for a going away party!!! Of course Miss Rylee was a BIG hit and was putting on the charm for Dr. Shumway!!! She's been nothing but an angel all day!!! Thanks for asking me to help out! You're LUCKY you're getting her back....he, he, he! :-)

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Bek said...

awwwwww - i really enjoyed reading this! that monitor is so cool - wow. congrats on the full nite of sleep!!!!!


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